I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you (John 13.15)
What does it mean to “serve God”? We often hear that expression in church and we don’t always understand what it means. Some people say that only pastors and other religious leaders can be called “servants of God.” Sometimes people think that service is something for a few special men and women, who have something different from others.
When a person receives the love of Jesus in his life it is said that he was “born again.” He believed in the love of God, repented of his sins, asked for forgiveness and then invited him to live in his heart. Now is someone different! The Holy Spirit is in your life! He is a child of God!
The word “servant” is used in the Bible to speak of people who are in the service of a very important person, who is named as “lord.” Jesus is Lord and his followers are his servants!
That is why, in addition to the people who dedicate themselves all the time to doing things for God, such as preaching in the church, helping others in other countries, talking about Jesus in great events, all Christians have the opportunity, the joy and the responsibility to serve Jesus.
Let us serve God with everything we think, say and do! That people can see in us different people, with a life that shows the love of Jesus all the time.
Immerse yourself: In addition to following Jesus and enjoying his friendship, God wants us to serve him with our lives. Let’s think about the things we can do to please God and help others know the love of Jesus.
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