Sleepwalking is a behavior that originates during deep sleep and results in walking or other behaviors while asleep. Many people suffer from this disorder and wonder if it has any emotional or even spiritual background and even question if it has any religious connotation or if it does appear in the Bible. In this article, we’ll explore what sleepwalking is and its potential spiritual meanings.
What is it and its Symptoms
Sleepwalking is classified as a non-REM parasomnia, which is a group of sleep disorders including:
- Confused arousals
- Sleep-related eating disorders
- Night terrors
It usually occurs within an hour or two of falling asleep and can last an average of 10 minutes during NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep. Sleepwalking is thought to be the result of “switching errors” in the brain, where there is an overlap, with the person in a sleep state and yet able to move. Children are more likely to sleepwalk than adults, with the peak prevalence at age 10. Approximately 30% of adults claim to have had an episode of sleepwalking at least once in their life.
Its Spiritual Meaning (Eastern Mysticism)
A sleepwalker walks in their sleep without being aware of it. This symbolizes the fact that they are experiencing a very strong, sometimes unconscious, inner tension. They also try to run away from a situation that worries them a lot. Therefore, they “express” themselves in this manner to release tension from their system. Often, they experience a state of being “out of their body”. When this happens, their astral body prompts their physical body to “get out of their body.” This allows them to walk with their eyes closed and still “see” the obstacles when sleepwalking, using the sight of their astral body.
Its Spiritual Meaning (Bible)
Spiritual Sleepwalking in the Christian Life
Spiritual sleepwalking is an aspect that we must consider in relation to the Christian life.
- Awake but Asleep (10-11)
- Jacob is physically awake but spiritually asleep. He is aware of the physical dangers but not the spiritual presence of God around him.
- Asleep and Awake (12-15)
- Jacob falls asleep, but is later spiritually awakened through a dream from God. He sees a ladder reaching to heaven, with angels and the Lord. God affirms the covenant and promises to Jacob.
- Wide Awake (16-22)
- Jacob awakens physically and spiritually, realizing he is in the “house of God” and the “gate of heaven.” He dedicates himself to following the Lord.
There are two main points of application:
- Don’t Live in the Past
- Remember the past and build on it, but dwelling on it can lead to unhappiness. Enjoy the present and plan for the future.
- Don’t Live in the Future
- Consider the future and plan, but fixating on it can lead to detachment and discontentment. Live in the present.
The Bible tells us: “This is the day the Lord has made, and I will be glad and rejoice in it” (Ps 118:24). We can only live in the present. Let us not be sleepwalkers in it. If you want to know more about what the Bible says about sleepwalkers, you can ask your question in the comments section.
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